Portland group works to make wealth redistribution a reality through real estate
From Tiffany Camhi / OPB: Volunteers of the PDX Housing Solidarity Project are working to redistribute generational wealth through homeownership
From Tiffany Camhi / OPB: Volunteers of the PDX Housing Solidarity Project are working to redistribute generational wealth through homeownership
From Oscar Perry Abello / NextCity: In Louisville, community organizers are betting that a guaranteed income program will reduce community
From Diane Berard / Future of Good: Novia Scotia, Canada, created community economic development investment funds with a 35% tax
From Isabella Breda / Yes! Magazine: Despite a nationwide months-long coronavirus lockdown in Norway, the economy was able to remain
From The Nation: A guaranteed income program in Nigeria is helping recipients build businesses, expand existing ones, and build equity.
From Nate Berg / ENSIA: North Carolina’s Roanoke Electric Cooperative is helping members bring down energy costs. Because the energy
From Sarah Trent, Khaliun Bayartsogt / Devex: Herders in Mongolia have resorted to cooperative shared funds to keep their pastures
From Nikolay Nikolov / Mashable: School districts in the United States are switching to solar power to save money on
From Dimitri Selibas / ENSIA: Guatemala’s reforestation programs pay farmers to keep their lands forested instead of clearing them for
From Piper French / Noema: Public banks are owned and run by governments, and because they store money for the
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