Why one Ontario town moved to a four-day workweek
From John Michael McGrath / TVO Today: Local government staff members in Zorra can choose to opt-in for longer workdays
From John Michael McGrath / TVO Today: Local government staff members in Zorra can choose to opt-in for longer workdays
From Peter Hull / NBC LX: Research shows workers who receive paid sick leave are more likely to stay home
From Erica Sweeny / Next City: The Denver-based Triple Bottom Line Foundation funds projects to retrofit low-income, multi-family properties that
From Makaelah Walters / Prism: The Just Income GNV project in Florida provides justice-impacted people with a guaranteed income for
From Diane Berard / Future of Good: Novia Scotia, Canada, created community economic development investment funds with a 35% tax
From Isabella Breda / Yes! Magazine: Despite a nationwide months-long coronavirus lockdown in Norway, the economy was able to remain
From Katherine Latham / Reasons to Be Cheerful: In the United Kingdom, the supermarket Iceland Foods gives out interest-free microloans
From Dimitri Selibas / ENSIA: Guatemala’s reforestation programs pay farmers to keep their lands forested instead of clearing them for
Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health
From Domantė Platūkytė / LRT: A company in Lithuania cut back the work day from eight to six hours and
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