What if debt was written off to protect climate and nature?
From India Bourke / BBC: Debt-for-nature or debt-for-climate swaps are financial tools that allow indebted countries to refinance their debt
From India Bourke / BBC: Debt-for-nature or debt-for-climate swaps are financial tools that allow indebted countries to refinance their debt
From Jon Marcus / The Hechinger Report: As their workforces age, states across the United States are offering student loan
From Peter Hull / NBC LX: Research shows workers who receive paid sick leave are more likely to stay home
From Isabella Breda / Yes! Magazine: Despite a nationwide months-long coronavirus lockdown in Norway, the economy was able to remain
From Dimitri Selibas / ENSIA: Guatemala’s reforestation programs pay farmers to keep their lands forested instead of clearing them for
From Gail Cornwall / The Hechinger Report: In an effort to help lower student debt while benefiting the community, the
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